The Copper Hills Bands and Percussion Ensemble will be performing a concert tonight for your enjoyment. Here's the schedule:
6:15--Pre-concert entertainment by the Percussion Ensemble
7:00--Copper Hills' Concert, Symphonic, and Symphonic Winds Bands perform
8:00 ish--Refreshments served by the main doors of the auditorium
Hope to see everyone there!
This Blog gives information about the Boosters for the Copper Hills High School Bands in West Jordan, UT. The Band Boosters are an organization of parents working with the band.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
A Message from Miss Johnson
Dear students and parents,
What a great end to the season! I'm so proud of everyone and the hard work they put in to give the kids a good experience. I'm also extremely proud of the students. This was a tough season and they stayed positive the whole time. We had some excellent performances and I think they enjoyed themselves. I know I did. (Yes, I did, in spite of the occasional burst of grumpiness.)
Just a few items to wrap up the end of the season.
1. We had some sweatshirts, a lunchbox, and a Juicy Couture bag left on the buses after Red Rocks. Those are in the band room Lost and Found.
2. I think I need to take a minute to talk about something that caused some friction during the season. Last year I was made aware that some of the students who had graduated previously would cause disruption if they came near the band. I talked to senior leadership and we put a "no alumni coming to visit the band except at Homecoming and the 4th of July parade" rule. I was pretty clear that they would need to abide by this rule, as well, so as not to step on current leadership's toes. They all agreed. This year I did not take the time to be clear about expectations: I will do so now.
At competitions alumni are expected to sit with the parents, or at the fringe of the band. The same is true of football games. Next year's alumni should not ask to ride the bus to competitions - I will say no. If alumni come specifically to help band parents (which DID happen a couple of times this season) they will be most welcome, but expected to spend time with the adults, not the students.
I know this may seem harsh, but please understand - I am doing this for the good of everyone. It's not fair to anyone to have alumni around constantly. Alumni have graduated to bigger and better things. They need to spend time building new friends and engaging in their current activities. I know that it is very painful to come back to something that is different and has moved on without you. It is in their own best interest to stay away. It's also not fair to current students: they have worked hard to make the band experience their own and it so easily slides back to where it used to be. (This is why moving out of parents' house is a good way to mature.) We always want our students to be moving forward and growing and maturing. It's also a logistical nightmare for me. I have enough trouble being responsible for my students that I really don't want to add on any extras. I've left parents behind because anybody who is post-high school age needs to be taking care of themselves.
Please DO encourage alumni to visit/come visit. Just also be sensitive and do it appropriately. Band is such a wonderful thing and it means a lot to everyone, which is why feelings get hurt. Be aware that my responsibility is to my current students because they are the reason I have a job. That doesn't mean I love my alums less, it just means I have different expectations for them.
With that said, it was wonderful to see all of the alumni this year. Can't wait to see how many show up in the future!
All righty, on to the next item.
3. Because we took 2nd place at Mount Timpanogas all the students have a free hamburger coupon to Habit burger. I'll be passing those out at the party on Thursday and if students are unable to attend they can pick theirs up the following day/week.
4. The band is attending the school musical (Bye Bye Birdie) Thursday night. Feel free to attend and support our band students playing in the pit and on stage, and all the other amazing CHHS students!
Monday, November 2, 2015
Vinyl Fundraiser Order Pick Up
Our vinyl fundraising orders are in! Please come to the band room on Wednesday, November 4th from 3:15 until 4:30/4:45 to pick up your orders.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Share Some Pictures!
If you have any photos from the 2015 marching season, please share them in the following folder:
That way, everyone can get some great pictures from the season and we can all share in the memories!
The link will take you to the folder. Click on "Open in Drive" and then you'll be able to add photos to the folder.
Please send an email to if you have trouble adding pictures.
That way, everyone can get some great pictures from the season and we can all share in the memories!
The link will take you to the folder. Click on "Open in Drive" and then you'll be able to add photos to the folder.
Please send an email to if you have trouble adding pictures.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Class Pictures
If your child is in Symphonic Winds, Symphonic Band, or Percussion, the pictures they took in class are now on the following website:
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Lodging in St. George
While in St. George, the band will be staying at:
Comfort Inn at Convention Center
138 E Riverside Dr
St. George
(435) 628-8544
In case of emergency, you may contact:
Michelle Moulton: (801) 803-0505
Michelle Moulton: (801) 803-0505
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
This Week's Events
We have a couple of events going on this week:
Football Game--Thursday Night
Marching band practice will go until 5:30. At that time, the kids will have a 40 minute break to relax and eat. Ms. Johnson has asked that the kids stay at the school during this break. They will need to provide their own food. At 6:10, they will change into full uniform and head to the stands prior to pre-game. They will stay in uniform for the duration of the game.
Mt. Timpanogos Competition--Saturday
Call time: 7:30 a.m.
Bus leaves: 8:00 a.m.
Warm up: 2:00 p.m.
Performance: 3:15 p.m.
Buses back at school between 11:00-11:30 p.m. (This is subject to change to an earlier return time.)
The band boosters will feed the kids after they perform. The kids may want to bring snacks or money for the rest of the day. Make sure they get a good breakfast.
Don't forget:
*Green fall t-shirt
*Warm clothes for sitting in the stands
*Water bottle
*LONG black socks
The competition is held at Pleasant Grove High School. Admission is $5. If you have been asked to help with pit or color guard equipment, please try to be at the competition an hour before performance. If you are coming as part of the crowd, please wear your Copper Hills colors and cheer loudly for our band!
Football Game--Thursday Night
Marching band practice will go until 5:30. At that time, the kids will have a 40 minute break to relax and eat. Ms. Johnson has asked that the kids stay at the school during this break. They will need to provide their own food. At 6:10, they will change into full uniform and head to the stands prior to pre-game. They will stay in uniform for the duration of the game.
Mt. Timpanogos Competition--Saturday
Call time: 7:30 a.m.
Bus leaves: 8:00 a.m.
Warm up: 2:00 p.m.
Performance: 3:15 p.m.
Buses back at school between 11:00-11:30 p.m. (This is subject to change to an earlier return time.)
The band boosters will feed the kids after they perform. The kids may want to bring snacks or money for the rest of the day. Make sure they get a good breakfast.
Don't forget:
*Green fall t-shirt
*Warm clothes for sitting in the stands
*Water bottle
*LONG black socks
The competition is held at Pleasant Grove High School. Admission is $5. If you have been asked to help with pit or color guard equipment, please try to be at the competition an hour before performance. If you are coming as part of the crowd, please wear your Copper Hills colors and cheer loudly for our band!
Monday, October 12, 2015
Potato Pick Up!
The potatoes will be ready to be picked up Tuesday (Oct. 13th) at 3:30 p.m. Please pull through the front driveway on the north side of the high school to pick up your order. The potatoes should be separated by kind so we'll just go through and get the bags you need. It is crucial that your order be picked up tomorrow! Someone will be there to help you until 5:00 or 5:30. If you need to come later than that, please email to make arrangements.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
It's a Miracle!
Our site is functioning once again! Through no power of the blog author, everything seems to be working once again. Isn't technology amazing?
Technical Difficulties
For some reason, the various links to sign-up sheets or other information is showing that they do not exist. While this is a frustration, all is not lost. The sheets are indeed alive and well, but for some reason are not in the right place. Please bear with us as we strive to fix this problem. If there is a particular sheet you need access to, please send an email to and we can give you the information you seek.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Thursday night Football Game
The band will participate in Thursday night's football game at Copper Hills. They will have regular rehearsal until 5:00 p.m. and then an extra 45 minute rehearsal to go over pre-game and pep tunes. They will then have a 45 minute break to eat something (they can eat at the high school or run home for dinner) and then back to the school at 6:30 p.m. ready for the game. They are to be dressed in their blue summer t-shirts, jeans, and marching shoes.
March with Your Favorite College!
On November 21st, there are two opportunities to march with the best college marching bands in Utah--BYU and the U of U. Here are the links to submit your applications:
U of U:
This is a great opportunity to see first hand how a college marching band operates. Submit your applications early so you can receive info directly from whichever college you choose to march with! Have a great time!
U of U:
This is a great opportunity to see first hand how a college marching band operates. Submit your applications early so you can receive info directly from whichever college you choose to march with! Have a great time!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Wasatch Front Competition
Our next competition is at Herriman High School on Saturday, Oct. 3rd. Call time is 10:00 a.m. for a short rehearsal at Copper Hills before boarding the buses at 11:00. Please be a little early because MJ wants to begin rehearsing at 10:00 sharp! The band steps on the field at 2:30. Warm up time will be an hour to hour and fifteen minutes before then. The band will return to the school around 8:00 p.m.
If you have signed up to help with equipment, please arrive at Herriman High about 1:00. Be prepared for some possible heavy work. The weather forecast shows cooler weather, but be prepared with water and proper sun attire. We should have our parent polos by then, but if you didn't order one, either wear the fall t-shirt if you ordered one or forest green. We will have extra field badges for you to use while you're at the competition.
Please send your student with water. The band boosters provide some water, but not enough to last the whole day. The kids will be served one meal after they perform, so if you think your child might want something else to eat, either send them with snacks or money to buy food at concessions.
Also, make sure your student has LONG black socks and their marching shoes. We want the kids looking as sharp and clean on the field as possible.
If you have signed up to help with equipment, please arrive at Herriman High about 1:00. Be prepared for some possible heavy work. The weather forecast shows cooler weather, but be prepared with water and proper sun attire. We should have our parent polos by then, but if you didn't order one, either wear the fall t-shirt if you ordered one or forest green. We will have extra field badges for you to use while you're at the competition.
Please send your student with water. The band boosters provide some water, but not enough to last the whole day. The kids will be served one meal after they perform, so if you think your child might want something else to eat, either send them with snacks or money to buy food at concessions.
Also, make sure your student has LONG black socks and their marching shoes. We want the kids looking as sharp and clean on the field as possible.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Parent Meeting News
Thanks to all who came out to our parent meeting tonight. We had a really good turn out! If you missed the meeting, the fundraiser flyers and order forms are now on this blog under the Fundraising tab. If you have any questions about either of the fundraisers, contact the boosters at The money for both of the fundraisers is due on Oct. 9th! Make checks payable to CHHS and turn all money into the Band: fundraising account in the high school office. If the link doesn't work for some reason, there are extra copies of everything in the band room.
If your child is planning on going on tour in the spring and you didn't get to the meeting, there is also a Travel Consent form located under the Forms and Information tab. Please mark the appropriate box and sign and date the form and send it to Ms. Johnson ASAP. Please make sure to put 9/29/15 for the date!
If your child is planning on going on tour in the spring and you didn't get to the meeting, there is also a Travel Consent form located under the Forms and Information tab. Please mark the appropriate box and sign and date the form and send it to Ms. Johnson ASAP. Please make sure to put 9/29/15 for the date!
Friday, September 25, 2015
Band Parent Meeting
There is a band parent meeting on Sept. 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the band room. This meeting is for ALL Copper Hills Band parents, not just Marching Band parents! We will be discussing the two upcoming fundraisers and also getting approval for our spring band tour. We need at least 80% approval from the parents of the students going on tour so attendance of at least one parent is crucial. If you do not have a student going on tour, then you will be excused after the fundraiser kick-off. See you there!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Weber Review
The start of the 2015 Fall Marching Season is here! We begin with Weber Review at Weber State on Tuesday, September 22nd. Here are the details:
The bus will leave from Copper Hills at 1:00 p.m. It will return to Copper Hills by 8:00 p.m.
Our performance time is 5:15. Warm ups begin at 4:00. If you have signed up to help with equipment, please be at Weber State no later than 4:15. If you are helping with food, the kids will eat after they play.
Here are driving directions to Weber State (although it's probably easier to ask Siri or use your smartphone):
If you are coming to support the band, wear our school colors proudly and look for other parents to sit next to in the stands. Entrance fee is $5 per person.
Please feed your child a healthy breakfast that morning. They will also eat lunch at school before they leave. They need to be strong and alert for competition. Also, make sure they have LONG black socks as part of their uniform and of course, their black marching shoes.
Go Marching Grizzlies!
The bus will leave from Copper Hills at 1:00 p.m. It will return to Copper Hills by 8:00 p.m.
Our performance time is 5:15. Warm ups begin at 4:00. If you have signed up to help with equipment, please be at Weber State no later than 4:15. If you are helping with food, the kids will eat after they play.
Here are driving directions to Weber State (although it's probably easier to ask Siri or use your smartphone):
If you are coming to support the band, wear our school colors proudly and look for other parents to sit next to in the stands. Entrance fee is $5 per person.
Please feed your child a healthy breakfast that morning. They will also eat lunch at school before they leave. They need to be strong and alert for competition. Also, make sure they have LONG black socks as part of their uniform and of course, their black marching shoes.
Go Marching Grizzlies!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Parent Consent for Travel F orm
Just in case you didn't get the link in the email, here is the link to the Parent Consent for Travel form that you need to bring with you to the Parent Preview tonight.
Have a great day!
Have a great day!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Parent Preview
Parents, family, and friends are invited to our Parent Preview night on Monday, September 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the Copper Hills stadium. It is free of charge. This will be the band's first chance to perform their whole show for a crowd. Come and show your support! There may even be a little audience participation!
After the show in the stadium, at least one parent needs to stay longer to complete paperwork for the Red Rocks band trip at the end of October. We will have a notary in the band room signing parent consent forms for student travel and medical treatment. It is of the upmost importance that a parent is there to sign these documents that night. Please bring a picture ID and insurance card.
The night should last about an hour and a half from start to finish. There may be rain that day, so come prepared with an umbrella.
See you there!
Friday, August 7, 2015
Fundraiser Items
Our fundraiser items will be in on Monday, August 10th! You may either have your child bring them home from band camp that day, or you may come in to the band room from 6:00-8:00 p.m. If you would like your child to bring home the items, please let them know the items will be ready for them to take home at the end of the day.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Band Camp is Here!
Band camp is upon us! August 10-14 from 7:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. every day! Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Wear comfortable clothing (same as for summer band).
- Bring a water bottle.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Wear sturdy shoes.
- Get plenty of sleep!
- Eat a good breakfast every day.
- Get a small (3 x 5) notebook for taking notes.
- Get some kind of folder for music and set sheets. You can find and print your music under the 2015 Fall Marching Music tab on this blog.
- The band boosters will provide dinner every night, but lunch only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Be prepared to bring a lunch on Tuesday and Thursday or have money to buy something off campus.
- The band boosters will be taking shoe orders on Tuesday of band camp. Please check your marching shoes and decide if you need new ones.
It's going to be a great week! Good luck Marching Grizzlies!
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Still Looking for Volunteers!
Fall marching season is rapidly approaching. There are still opportunities for parents to sign up for our committees and to bring food for band camp. If you have not signed up for one of our committees especially, please take the time to do so now. All volunteering opportunities can be found on the band blog under the "Volunteers" tab. Make sure to mark which dates you are available to help. As an added bonus, all parents who sign up to help on the equipment committee will receive free admission to the competition they sign up for. Otherwise, you pay $5 admission.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Days of '47 Parade Information
Our last parade of the summer is upon us! For those of you participating in the Days of '47 parade, here is the info you need:
Click on this link to find parade route info:
See you Friday!
- Call time is Friday at 7:15 a.m. at Copper Hills. Please be on time!
- The trailer will not be accompanying us on this trip, so please make sure you have any instruments and equipment needed for the parade.
- Please wear your summer band uniform.
- The bus will arrive back to the school between 12:30-1:00.
Click on this link to find parade route info:
See you Friday!
Lehi Roller Mills
The orders have been turned in to Lehi Roller Mills! Thanks to everyone who participated. It looks like it was quite successful for many of you! We have been told that our order pick-up date is August 17th. We thought it might be faster, but that is the date they gave us. Stay tuned for parent pick up info. It will most likely be August 18th, but we're not quite sure yet.
Way to Go Marching Grizzlies!
We have made it to our last parade! With tired chops and aching muscles our Grizzlies are staying strong through the end! We are making a positive impression among the other Jordan district high schools. Stay tuned on Friday to see this massive collaboration take place at the Days of '47 parade!

Follow this link to see a quick slideshow of the combined practices:
Follow this link to see a quick slideshow of the combined practices:
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Fall Music Camp
Mark your calendars for Fall Music Camp! It will be held August 7th from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. This is for all brass and woodwind players who will be participating in Fall Marching Band. Time to start learning your music now! (Music will be up on the blog shortly.)
Days of '47 Youth Parade
Our next parade is the Days of '47 Youth Parade in downtown Salt Lake on July 18th. Call time is 7:30 a.m. at the high school. The parade begins at 10:00 a.m. The school will not be open to get instruments, so please plan ahead so you are ready to march. Also, please bring a can of food with you to donate to the Utah Food Bank.
Here is the route for the parade:
Starts at 600 East and 500 South
Runs west on 500 South to 200 East
Ends at 200 East and 500 South
(City and County Building / Washington Square)
Here is the route for the parade:
Starts at 600 East and 500 South
Runs west on 500 South to 200 East
Ends at 200 East and 500 South
(City and County Building / Washington Square)
Cowabunga Dude!
The band's fun day at Cowabunga Bay is coming up on July 21st right after the Parade Preview. Your student should have already paid the entrance fee, but if they haven't, the cost is $14.50 and it goes into the "Marching Band--other (Cowabunga Bay)" account. This fee needs to be paid by Wednesday, July 15th. If you haven't paid after that time, a fine will show up on your account. If your child has already told Ms. Johnson that they will not be participating in Cowabunga Bay, then there will be no fine added.
If your child is one who is not participating, they are responsible for finding their own rides home from the South Towne Expo Center. Carpools can be organized, but that is the responsibility of the child and/or their parent. Please be at the South Towne Expo Center by 2:00 p.m. to pick up your child or they will have to ride the bus over to Cowabunga Bay and be picked up there.
Parents are welcome to come to Cowabunga Bay to play with their kids, but any person (parent, sibling, etc.) who is not a marching band member will have to pay full admission prices upon arrival at Cowabunga Bay.
If your child is one who is not participating, they are responsible for finding their own rides home from the South Towne Expo Center. Carpools can be organized, but that is the responsibility of the child and/or their parent. Please be at the South Towne Expo Center by 2:00 p.m. to pick up your child or they will have to ride the bus over to Cowabunga Bay and be picked up there.
Parents are welcome to come to Cowabunga Bay to play with their kids, but any person (parent, sibling, etc.) who is not a marching band member will have to pay full admission prices upon arrival at Cowabunga Bay.
Lehi Roller Mills Update
The Lehi Roller Mills final order will be turned in on Monday, July 13th. After going through each order, it was discovered that some had been overpaid or underpaid. You should have been notified if that is the case. If you overpaid, a credit will be added to your child's band account, which should show up on Wednesday, July 15th. If you underpaid, that amount will be subtracted from your total earnings. If you have any questions, you may contact Jolyn Furnell at the band's email account:
Monday, June 29, 2015
Days of '47 Permission/Picture Release Form
Please make sure to sign the permission/picture release form if your child plans on participating in the Days of '47 Parade. If you have misplaced the form, you can go to and print the form off to sign. This form is due Tuesday, June 30th.
Fundraiser Money Due!
Don't forget all Lehi Roller Mills fundraising money is due Thursday, July 2nd. Turn all money into the office in your child's name under the "Marching Band: Fundraising" category. The order form may be placed in the blue box in the band room. (Make sure you make a copy of the form--just in case.)
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Lehi Roller Mills Fundraiser
Our next fundraiser will be selling Lehi Roller Mills baking mixes. The students will receive their order forms tomorrow (Monday, June 22nd) at the end of practice. They will have two weeks to sell items. Order forms and money are all due on July 2nd. Please make sure all money is turned into the office to the "Marching Band--Fundraiser" account and that checks are made out to Copper Hills High School. Each student will receive 50% of their sales which will help with band fees immensely.
Happy selling!
Happy selling!
We still have many opportunities for parents to volunteer at our fall competitions, especially on our equipment and uniform committees. If you have any questions or concerns about volunteering, please ask Ms. Johnson, Kristi Olsen, Michelle Moulton or send an email to The committee sign-ups should be working on the blog. Click on Volunteers and then choose the committee you want to be on. Please make sure to include the competitions you will be helping with. If you have already signed up for a committee but need to add your dates, please do so ASAP. If you are interested in helping with the Summer Water Committee, it is under its own heading under Volunteers.
The band program really cannot function without the help of our band parents. For example, this year, we will have more equipment to get on the field during competitions and only so much time to get it on, so the more volunteers the better. You will be trained by a committee chair on how to do your job prior to competitions. We want to make volunteering a pleasant experience for everyone involved.
Thanks for your help! Together we can make the CHHS band program great!
The band program really cannot function without the help of our band parents. For example, this year, we will have more equipment to get on the field during competitions and only so much time to get it on, so the more volunteers the better. You will be trained by a committee chair on how to do your job prior to competitions. We want to make volunteering a pleasant experience for everyone involved.
Thanks for your help! Together we can make the CHHS band program great!
Monday, June 8, 2015
Colorguard and Percussion Fee Breakdown
Hi, Parents!
Here is the new breakdown for the Colorguard and Percussion kids. If you have already made your first payment, that's fine. Jolyn will make sure those funds are transferred to the correct categories.
Payment #1: $234-- $200 to Marching Band: Fees, $34 to Percussion: Drumline fees
Payment #2: $241-- $150 to Marching Band: Participation, $25 to Marching Band: Clothing, $66 to Percussion: Drumline fees
Payment #3: $225-- to Marching Band: Travel
Payment #1: $250-- $200 to Marching Band: Fees, $50 to Colorguard: Fees
Payment #2: $250-- $150 to Marching Band: Participation, $25 to Marching Band: clothing, $75 to Colorguard: Fees
Payment #3: $250-- $225 to Marching Band: Travel, $25 to Colorguard: Fees
Thanks, again, for your patience with all of these changes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send emails to
Here is the new breakdown for the Colorguard and Percussion kids. If you have already made your first payment, that's fine. Jolyn will make sure those funds are transferred to the correct categories.
Payment #1: $234-- $200 to Marching Band: Fees, $34 to Percussion: Drumline fees
Payment #2: $241-- $150 to Marching Band: Participation, $25 to Marching Band: Clothing, $66 to Percussion: Drumline fees
Payment #3: $225-- to Marching Band: Travel
Payment #1: $250-- $200 to Marching Band: Fees, $50 to Colorguard: Fees
Payment #2: $250-- $150 to Marching Band: Participation, $25 to Marching Band: clothing, $75 to Colorguard: Fees
Payment #3: $250-- $225 to Marching Band: Travel, $25 to Colorguard: Fees
Thanks, again, for your patience with all of these changes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send emails to
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Fee Payments
We have modified the payment schedule slightly from what was originally announced. The fee schedule will go as follows:
Payment 1: (due June 9th) $200. This payment will go into the "Marching Band fees" category.
Payment 2: (due July 9th) $175. $150 goes into the "Marching Band Participation".
$25 goes into "Marching Band--Clothing"
Payment 3: (due August 9th) $225. This payment will go into the "Marching Band travel" category.
If you are paying for marching shoes, there is a separate "Marching Band--clothing" category.
When you go in to pay your fees, please tell the office where to put the money. If you have already paid your fees, please let us know which category the money was put into and the money will be transferred into the correct categories.
Thank you for your patience as we are trying to make this as easy as possible for you and also make it work with the office.
Payment 1: (due June 9th) $200. This payment will go into the "Marching Band fees" category.
Payment 2: (due July 9th) $175. $150 goes into the "Marching Band Participation".
$25 goes into "Marching Band--Clothing"
Payment 3: (due August 9th) $225. This payment will go into the "Marching Band travel" category.
If you are paying for marching shoes, there is a separate "Marching Band--clothing" category.
When you go in to pay your fees, please tell the office where to put the money. If you have already paid your fees, please let us know which category the money was put into and the money will be transferred into the correct categories.
Thank you for your patience as we are trying to make this as easy as possible for you and also make it work with the office.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Drivers Needed
We are trying to get a carpool together for those students who are too young to drive themselves to practice this summer. We have many parents who can take kids to practice, but only one who can get kids home. If you are a parent or an older student who can drive non-family members who is willing to help with carpooling, please send an email to We need to get this organized ASAP!
Monday, June 1, 2015
We had a great meeting last week but we're still lacking some information. Please visit the "Forms and Information" tab for minutes on the meeting. Other important forms can be found in the same location. Please also go to the "Volunteers" tab to sign up for a committee.
The summer marching music can also be found under the "Forms and Information" tab.
We had a great meeting last week but we're still lacking some information. Please visit the "Forms and Information" tab for minutes on the meeting. Other important forms can be found in the same location. Please also go to the "Volunteers" tab to sign up for a committee.
The summer marching music can also be found under the "Forms and Information" tab.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Percussion Auditions
Percussion clinics and auditions will be held June 1-3 from 3-5 p.m. All percussionists need to attend these important days. Clinics and auditions will be held in the band room at Copper Hills.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Summer Fun is Here!
It's time again for summer band! Here's how the first couple of days will go:
Monday, June 8th: Rookies (all those who have NEVER marched before) will have short practice from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, June 9th: Vets (all the other students) come at 7:30 a.m. Rookies join in at 8:00 a.m. Practice will go until 10:30 that morning.
From then on, practices will be Mon-Thurs, 7:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Don't forget:
Monday, June 8th: Rookies (all those who have NEVER marched before) will have short practice from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, June 9th: Vets (all the other students) come at 7:30 a.m. Rookies join in at 8:00 a.m. Practice will go until 10:30 that morning.
From then on, practices will be Mon-Thurs, 7:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Don't forget:
- Sunscreen
- Water (and lots of it!)
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Wear work out attire with good walking/running shoes.
- A good attitude!
Have fun!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Parent Meeting
Dear Band Parents--
There is an important band parent meeting on May 28th at 6:00 p.m. in the band room. We will be announcing the new Booster board, talking about the fall Red Rocks tour, and signing up for committees. Please plan on sending at least one parent to this meeting. Your student is not required to attend.
The committee descriptions are below. Plan on signing up for at least two shifts--preferably on the same committee.
The equipment committee is responsible for helping the students get various pieces of equipment (mostly percussion) on/off the field during competitions.
The uniforms committee is responsible for making sure all students are competition ready. This may include checking for clean shoes, if the students have proper socks and gloves, putting plumes in hats, and clothing repair. This committee will also make sure the band gets a drink of water before they go on the field.
Color Guard
The color guard committee is responsible for helping the color guard with costumes, hair, makeup, and equipment at each competition.
The food committee is responsible for feeding the kids at all competitions and band camp. This may include making reminder calls, gathering food, restocking supplies, and/or making various types of food. Food donation sign-ups will be posted as fall season gets closer.
To make your decision easier, here are the dates of our competitions:
Weber State: Sept. 22nd
Wasatch Front (Riverton High?): Oct. 3rd
Bridgerland (Utah State): Oct. 10th
Mt. Timp (Pleasant Grove High School): Oct. 24
Red Rocks (St. George): Oct. 29th-31st
Each of these committee sign-up forms is also on this blog under Volunteers. You may sign up there, as well.
We also need help with giving the students water during our summer parades. There will be a sign-up for that, as well. The parade dates are:
Taylorsville (Drum line): June 27th
West Jordan (Regular band + alumni): July 4th a.m.
Sandy (Drum line): July 4th p.m.
Day of '47 Youth Parade (Regular band): July 18th
Days of '47 Parade Preview (Regular band + incoming 8th graders): July 21st
We have an exciting marching season coming up! It will be even better if we have solid support from our parents.
See you at the meeting!
Thursday, May 7, 2015
End of Year Band Banquet
All 2014-2015 band/color guard students and their families are invited to our end of year band banquet. It starts at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. The section food assignments are:
Woodwinds: Main dish
Brass: Sides
Percussion: Drinks
Guard: Dessert
Hope to see you there!
Woodwinds: Main dish
Brass: Sides
Percussion: Drinks
Guard: Dessert
Hope to see you there!
Monday, April 27, 2015
Marching Band Parent Meeting
Mark your calendars for the Marching Band Parent meeting on May 28th at 6:00 p.m. in the band room. We'll have more information concerning volunteer opportunities and other vital information for the upcoming marching season. See you all there!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
2015 Band Kick-off
April 23rd at 7:00 p.m. is our 2015 Summer/Fall Marching Band/Color Guard Kick-off! All students who will be participating in Marching Band/Color Guard and at least one parent are expected to attend. We will have important information regarding fees and schedules that you do not want to miss! This meeting will be held in the gym.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Dinner Dance Fundraiser Feb 11
Dinner Dance
Fundraiser February 11
We will be selling tickets for this event. You can buy tickets for the dinner and dance
or for the auction/dance time only. Tickets
will be $10 for one ticket or 2 tickets for $17.50 for the dinner and dance or
$5 per ticket for the auction/dance portion only. All students will be asked to sell 5 tickets
for this event.
We will serve a lasagna dinner, hold a raffle
for airline tickets and have a dessert auction.
Our very own Jazz Band will play for us during the dance. All proceeds from this fundraiser will
benefit the CHHS Band program. The
dinner will start at 6:00pm, we will start the raffle/auction around 6:45pm,
and the dance will start at 7:00pm.
ALL students will be asked to help at this
event. We will need them to help set up,
act as waiters/waitresses, and help clean up.
Students should look for signup sheets to come closer to time of event.
We have been given several one-way Jet Blue
airline tickets to raffle off at this event.
We are thinking of selling the raffle tickets for $10 each.
We also need each student to provide a dessert
to be auctioned. You are welcome to
provide more than one if you desire.
Please come to this event and help support our
Bands. Come prepared to buy at the
raffle and auction. We would LOVE to
make this an annual event if we can get enough participation.
Upcoming Band, Color Guard and Drumline events
13 – Pep Band at
Girls Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS
16 – Pep Band at
Boys Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS Drumline performs
17 – Winter Guard
Evaluations @ Northwest Middle School
20 – Pep Band at
Girls Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS
22 – Pep Band at
Girls Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS
29 - Pep Band at
Girls Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS
30 - Pep Band at
Boys Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS
3 - Pep Band at
Boys Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS
7 – Winter Guard
Competition @ Northridge High School (time TBA)
5 – Pep Band at
Girls Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS Drumline performs
10 – Pep Band at
Boys Basketball game 6:00pm @ CHHS
11 – Jazz Band Dinner
Dance Fundraiser 6:00pm @ CHHS
13 – Pep Band at Boys Basketball game
6:00pm @ CHHS Drumline performs
14 – Winter Guard
Competition @ Lone Peak High School (time TBA)
21 – Winter
Drumline Competition @ Ogden High School (time TBA)
28 – Winter Guard
Competition @ Westlake High School (time TBA)
7 – Winter Guard
Competition @ Tooele High School (time TBA)
14 – Winter Guard
Competition @ American Fork High School (time TBA)
14 – Winter
Drumline Competition @ Riverton High School (time TBA)
18 – Combined
Band Concert – combined middle and high school bands @ CHHS times TBA
28 – Winter Guard
State Competition @ Lone Peak High School (time TBA)
28 – Winter
Drumline Competition @ West Jordan High School (time TBA)
18 – Winter
Drumline State Competition @ Weber State University (time TBA)
Monday, January 12, 2015
Booster meeting Tuesday Jan 13
Come join us for our next Booster meeting tomorrow, January 13 at 7:00pm in the CHHS band room. We will be discussing and planning the preparations
for the Dinner Dance Fundraiser. This fundraiser will provide needed
funds for our program that will benefit all the students.
Winter Guard Food donations
Guard parents—
Evaluations are here! This Saturday, January 17th is evaluations. This is a time where they compete in front of the judges to be placed in their competition group. We will be meeting at Copper Hills at 9:00 in the morning and will warm up, review and then get on the buses. We will return between 1:00-1:30 at Copper Hills. We will not be providing lunch on this date due to the early return time. If needed they can bring a small snack with them.
Food for competitions
On competition days we feed the guard lunch. We ask that you sign up to help provide the food so that we can keep the cost down. Please note that we do the best to give them a good lunch but we are at competitions for a long time. They will need to still bring food for dinner or money for concession stand food. (We will be at the competitions from about 12:00 to 10:00 each time). I am working on getting the sign up for food on the blog but until then you can message me with the items you are willing to donate. We will be feeding 24 people for competitions.
Cindy Poll
Band booster President 801-808-6473 after 3:00 p.m.
Evaluations are here! This Saturday, January 17th is evaluations. This is a time where they compete in front of the judges to be placed in their competition group. We will be meeting at Copper Hills at 9:00 in the morning and will warm up, review and then get on the buses. We will return between 1:00-1:30 at Copper Hills. We will not be providing lunch on this date due to the early return time. If needed they can bring a small snack with them.
Food for competitions
On competition days we feed the guard lunch. We ask that you sign up to help provide the food so that we can keep the cost down. Please note that we do the best to give them a good lunch but we are at competitions for a long time. They will need to still bring food for dinner or money for concession stand food. (We will be at the competitions from about 12:00 to 10:00 each time). I am working on getting the sign up for food on the blog but until then you can message me with the items you are willing to donate. We will be feeding 24 people for competitions.
Cindy Poll
Band booster President 801-808-6473 after 3:00 p.m.
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