Here is video of the Band's performance at last Saturday's competition in Payson. Nice job again, keep working hard!
This Blog gives information about the Boosters for the Copper Hills High School Bands in West Jordan, UT. The Band Boosters are an organization of parents working with the band.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Food Donations for Red Rocks tour are posted
You may now sign up for food donations for the Red Rocks trip. Look at the Fall Competition Food Donation list on the Volunteering tab at the top of this webpage. Thank you!!
Turkey Fundraiser Collections on Friday Oct 4
We will be collecting forms and receipts for the turkey vouchers on this Friday, October 4th from 3-4pm. So you will need to have collected all the money for your turkey orders and turned it in at the school's main office. The receipt from that is what we need along with your order forms. The order form can be found and printed from our website on the Fundraising Tab.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Mt. Nebo Competition Sep 28
Our next event is the Mt. Nebo Competition on Saturday, September
28th at Payson High School. Students should wear nice
dress clothes for school on the day of all competitions. (or on day
before if competition is on the weekend) The students will take a bus to
this event. Call time is 7:15am at CHHS Band Room. Buses
will leave by 7:30am. Our warm-up time is from 8:55am and our performance is at 10:00am. We
will be competing in the 3A Division. Band Boosters will be providing
lunch for students and staff after their performance. We will stay for
awards at 1:45-2:45pm. The bus will
bring the students back to the school by around 5:15pm. Marching students should have their fall shirt or black
t-shirt/tank and shorts to wear under their uniforms (Don’t forget to wear
black socks!) Color Guard students please bring their other
uniform pieces as needed.
View Driving directions to Nebo Competition in a larger map
Volunteers may ride the buses or meet us at the competition
site. Volunteers who are riding the bus need to be at the school by
7:15am. All Volunteers please wear your Band Parent Shirts.
Some competitions may let volunteers in for free, but please come prepared to
pay the $5 entrance fee anyway.
For those who will be coming to watch, see the link below
for directions on how to find the site. I’ve mapped it starting at
CHHS. Be aware that all the competitions have a $5 entrance fee per
person. If you are coming to watch please wear your Band Parent Shirt.
It would be great if the students could easily see a group of us from the
field, cheering them on! While you are there come by and see if the
volunteers need any help.
Go Marching Grizzlies!!
View Driving directions to Nebo Competition in a larger map
Football game Friday Sep 27
Come yell and scream and cheer on our Grizzlies! We
have our next home football game this Friday, September 27th.
Call time for the band and color guard is at 5:00pm. They will practice
some before the game instead of having an early morning practice on Saturday. Students should wear their FALL band t-shirt
for their uniform. The band will do a pregame show and then play pep band
music during the game. They will maybe even perform part of the half time
show this time. Any student who has done
summer or fall marching band can come play pep band at any of the football
games. The game starts at 7:00pm. The students get in for free, but
tickets for everyone else are $5. Parents wear your Band Parent Shirts to
show your support. Students will stay
after the game to preload the trailer for Sat morning competition.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Professional Photos from Bridgerland for sale
Gary Bird photography took pictures at our last competition. If you use the link below you can view the pictures and order any that you like for purchase. There are some great pictures of the students.
Bridgerland photos
Bridgerland photos
Clothing Orders Due Wednesday
At our preview night we took orders for hoodies, sweat pants and bags. These can be for students or parents. If
you wanted to order some and didn't get the chance please email Michelle Moulton
at for an order form.
If you already have an order form, please pay in the main office and remind them
to use the band clothing – non-taxable category. Afterwards, if you could drop
your completed order form and receipt in the green box in the band room, we can
collect them and place the orders. We need to order no later than
We also had a few people requesting Band Parent Polos. These shirts will be needed if you are to volunteer on the field at the competitions. If you want to order one please pay in the main office and send your receipt number and size shirt to us at The price is $17 for sizes S-XL. Add $2 for a 2XL, $3 for a 3XL, etc. We will also be ordering these by Wednesday.
We also had a few people requesting Band Parent Polos. These shirts will be needed if you are to volunteer on the field at the competitions. If you want to order one please pay in the main office and send your receipt number and size shirt to us at The price is $17 for sizes S-XL. Add $2 for a 2XL, $3 for a 3XL, etc. We will also be ordering these by Wednesday.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
2nd place win today at Bridgerland Competition!
CHHS Marching Band won 2nd place at today's competition!!! We also won Outstanding Music and Outstanding Percussion categories!! Congratulations Marching Grizzlies!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Norbest Turkey Fundraiser

Sell dates: Monday, September 23 - Friday, October 4
How: Have customer fill out order sheet and collect money. After the money is turned in Norbest will send us the gift certificates and your student will deliver them to the customer.
Note: We cannot order the gift certificate unless the money is turned in! No late orders will be accepted. All money must be turned in to the school. The receipt must then be turned into the boosters. We will have a collection day to collect the receipts and order forms. Please watch the blog for the details on this day.
Each student will receive a portion of the sales. For a $20 certificate they will receive $7.40, for a $25 certificate they will receive $8.20, and for a $30 certificate they will receive $9.
You can print an order form from this webpage by going to the Fundraising tab at the top of this page.
BYU recording permission
Hello everyone,
Mr. Simpson gave me a release form to pass out. At the BYU competition on Oct 8, they will
record our performances and post them on YouTube for parents and directors to
purchase. Without these forms they will
not be able to post them. Even if you
have no intention of buying the recording, please sign the form so that others
can. Please return the signed form to
Mr. Simpson before that competition. You can find the form by clicking on the Forms and Information tab at the top of this webpage. Thank you!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Need help marking pants for hems
Great news…Our black uniform pants are here! We’d like to call upon any volunteers to come
help us measure and mark the pants for hemming.
We will do this today at 5:30pm in the Band room. That way we will have them ready for Saturday’s
competition. Thank you all for your
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Bridgerland Competition Sep 21
Our next event is the Bridgerland Competition on Saturday,
September 21st at Utah State University. Students should wear nice
dress clothes for school on the day of all competitions. (or on day
before if competition is on the weekend) The students will take a bus to
this event. Call time is 8:00am for normal practice at CHHS Band Room. Buses will
leave by 10:00am. Our performance is at 2:45pm.
We will be competing in the 3A Division. Band Boosters will be providing
dinner for students and staff after their performance. The bus will bring
the students back to the school by around 5:30pm. Marching students should
have their fall shirt or black t-shirt/tank and shorts to wear under their uniforms.
Color Guard students please bring their other uniform pieces as needed.
View Driving directions to Bridgerland Competition in a larger map
Volunteers may ride the buses or meet us at the competition
site. Volunteers who are riding the bus need to be at the school by
9:45am. All Volunteers please wear your Band Parent Shirts. Some
competitions may let volunteers in for free, but please come prepared to pay
the $5 entrance fee anyway.
For those who will be coming to watch, see the map below
for directions on how to find the site. I’ve mapped it starting at
CHHS. Be aware that all the competitions have a $5 entrance fee per
person. If you are coming to watch please wear your Band Parent
Shirt. It would be great if the students could easily see a group of us
from the field, cheering them on! While you are there come by and see if
the volunteers need any help.
Go Marching Grizzlies!!
View Driving directions to Bridgerland Competition in a larger map
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Problems from Today
If you haven’t already heard, there were problems today and
the Band did not get to go to their Weber Review. There were issues with
communication and scheduling of the buses that could not be resolved at this
late date, so we were left without transportation to get the Band there.
Instead of going to the Review, our Band held a practice for a couple of hours
and then the Boosters fed them the dinner that we had intended to feed them at
the Review. EVERYONE is upset about what happened today, but everyone
worked past their anger and frustration and made the best of a bad
situation. I, for one, am very proud of our students and their commitment
and positive attitudes. Please know that, behind the scenes, we are
assessing the problems of the day and working to correct them so they do not
happen to us again.
Having said that, it would not be inadvisable to us, as
parents, to contact the school district and talk about our concerns of the lack
of adequate resources. I do not wish to load the district down with
complaints, but I feel it is sometimes necessary to put voices to our concerns
as parents. If you do this, please do it without anger. We do
not wish to start pointing fingers. We only wish to bring our issues to
the attention of those with the power to change things. With that in
mind, you might be interested to know that there is a Board of Education meeting
next week on Tuesday, September 24, (it doesn’t show a time on the website,
will have to call and check) at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services
Building, 7905 South Redwood Road.
Going forward, we’d like for everyone to be on the positive
side and help us go into the next Band events with a good attitude and hard
work. Thank you to everyone who helped today! Your support is
always appreciated!
Jennifer Hill
CHHS Band Booster Secretary
Homecoming week activities

On Thursday is the Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally. This is a fun activity for all CHHS students and the Band will play for it. Students should wear their summer uniform for this activity (Blue band shirt and tan shorts). Come to our normally scheduled practice at 3:30pm. Practice will end early and the Parade & Pep Rally will go from 6-8pm.
We have our Homecoming football game this Friday, September 20th. Call time for the band and color guard is at 4:30pm. The band will meet together shortly and then the students will be able to attend the Tailgate activities starting at 5:00pm. Students should wear their summer uniform for this activity (Blue band shirt and tan shorts). The band will do a pregame show and then play pep band music during the game. Any student who has done summer or fall marching band can come play pep band at any of the football games. The game starts at 7:00pm. The students get in for free, but tickets for everyone else are $5. Parents wear your Band Parent Shirts to show your support.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Come join us at Preview night tonight!
Today at 6:30pm, before the show starts, we will have a Parent meeting at the stadium and we will be passing out information for our Fall Marching Band season. CHHS Marching Grizzlies Sweatshirts and Pants will be available for order for parents and/or students.
We have need of people to help load and unload our equipment on and off the field, prepare and serve food, and most importantly cheer us in the stands! If you have volunteered to help on the field at competitions or would like to, we will be holding a training session tonight at 6:00pm. We have the backdrops, drum major podiums, and percussion/pitt instruments that will need to be put on the field, so there is a lot to handle and we could use all the hands we can get. Come join us!
Are you ready to start our competitive season? I know it’s going to be great. The students and staff have been working really hard and are ready to show off! The whole school has been invited to the performance. Bring the whole family and friends to see our 2013 Show “Shades of Latin". Parents be ready for a surprise. Bring your cameras and blankets to the CHHS Stadium Sep 16 at 7:00pm for the performance.
We will see you all there!
Weber Review Tuesday Sep 17
Our first Competition is here! We will be going to the
Weber Review on Tuesday, September 17th at Weber State
University. Students should wear nice dress clothes for school on the day
of all competitions. (or on day before if competition is on the
weekend) The students will get out of classes early and take a bus to
this event. Call time is 12:30pm at CHHS Band Room. Our performance is at 5:15pm.
We will be competing in the 3A Division. If students will miss lunch at school, please make sure to send a sack lunch with them on the bus. Band Boosters will be providing
dinner for students and staff after their performance. The bus will bring
the students back to the school by around 8:30-9:00pm. Marching students should
have their black t-shirt/tank and shorts to wear under their uniforms.
Color Guard students please bring their other uniform pieces as needed.
For those who will be coming to watch, see the map below for directions on how to find the site. I’ve mapped it starting at CHHS. Be aware that all the competitions have a $5 entrance fee per person. If you are coming to watch please wear your Band Parent Shirt. It would be great if the students could easily see a group of us from the field, cheering them on! While you are there come by and see if the volunteers need any help.
Go Marching Grizzlies!!
View Driving directions to Weber Review in a larger map
Volunteers may ride the buses or meet us at the competition
site. Volunteers who are riding the bus need to be at the school by
12:30pm. All Volunteers please wear your Band Parent Shirts. Some
competitions may let volunteers in for free, but please come prepared to pay
the $5 entrance fee anyway.
For those who will be coming to watch, see the map below for directions on how to find the site. I’ve mapped it starting at CHHS. Be aware that all the competitions have a $5 entrance fee per person. If you are coming to watch please wear your Band Parent Shirt. It would be great if the students could easily see a group of us from the field, cheering them on! While you are there come by and see if the volunteers need any help.
Go Marching Grizzlies!!
View Driving directions to Weber Review in a larger map
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Marching Band Preview Night and Parent Meeting Sep 16
Hello Marching Grizzlies!
On Monday, September
16th at 6:30pm, before
the show starts, we will have a Parent meeting at the stadium and
we will be passing out information for our Fall Marching Band season.
CHHS Marching Grizzlies Sweatshirts and Pants will be available for order for
parents and/or students.
We have need of people to help load and unload our equipment
on and off the field, prepare and serve food, and most importantly cheer us in
the stands! If you have volunteered to
help on the field at competitions or would like to, we will be holding a training session this night at 6:00pm. We have the backdrops, drum major podiums,
and percussion/pitt instruments that will need to be put on the field, so there
is a lot to handle and we could use all the hands we can get. Come join us!
Are you ready to start our competitive season? I know
it’s going to be great. The students and staff have been working really
hard and are ready to show off! The whole school has been invited to the
performance. Bring the whole family and friends to see our 2013 Show “Shades
of Latin". Parents be ready for a surprise. Bring your cameras
and blankets to the CHHS Stadium Sep 16 at 7:00pm for the performance.
We will see you all there!
Competition Food Donations Signups
It's time for us to start competitions and that means we
need to feed the students. You can find the signups on this
webpage by going to the Volunteering tab at the top of the page. Please look
and see what you could contribute. Also
notice, if you will be attending any of the competitions, you are welcome to
come help serve food after the students perform. If you will be able to help serve, please
sign up on the food donation list as well.
Thank you all for your wonderful support! We are going to have a great season!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Come have dinner at Wendy's tonight!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Poll about Band Warm-up Suits
Thank you everyone for your input. We will be taking orders for the sweatshirts and the pants at our Preview night tonight.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Band Wish List
Please take a moment to look at our Band's Wish List by going to the Volunteering tab at the top of this page. This is a wish of things we are in need of and hope that someone might be able to provide for us. If you have any of the items on the list and are willing to part with them, please let us know. Thank you all so much for your continued support!
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