Sell dates: Monday, September 23 - Friday, October 4
How: Have customer fill out order sheet and collect money. After the money is turned in Norbest will send us the gift certificates and your student will deliver them to the customer.
Note: We cannot order the gift certificate unless the money is turned in! No late orders will be accepted. All money must be turned in to the school. The receipt must then be turned into the boosters. We will have a collection day to collect the receipts and order forms. Please watch the blog for the details on this day.
Each student will receive a portion of the sales. For a $20 certificate they will receive $7.40, for a $25 certificate they will receive $8.20, and for a $30 certificate they will receive $9.
You can print an order form from this webpage by going to the Fundraising tab at the top of this page.
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