Marching Band Members,
time to kick-start our fall season!
camp will be held August 19-23 from 8am-8pm. Students will be
learning fall music and sets for the show. The Band Boosters will provide
lunch and dinner every day. See our Food Donation list for a menu
of what we will be serving each day. If there are any special dietary
needs, be sure to provide those for yourself. Be sure to eat a good
breakfast before you come. Be prepared to be in the sun, so wear light
colored clothing, bring lots of water (1 gallon) and wear sunscreen. Come ready to work hard and have fun!
your marching band shoes, if you have them, to be passed off for use again this
year. If you do not have marching shoes, you will be fitted for some.
We will put together an order for marching shoes and for band parent shirts on
the Monday of Band Camp. Please pay for
these items in the office and send or give us the receipt number so we can
order them for you.
may find the food donation list by looking for the Volunteer Tab at the top of this
webpage to find the link for the food donations.
Please help us feed the students during camp! Take a look
and see what you are able to contribute. We also need some people to help
serve food for lunch and dinner each day. Contact us at copperhillsbandboosters@gmail.com
if you have any questions.
practices for Fall Marching Band will start on August 27th.
Practices will be held 3:15-6:15pm on Tues and Thurs and 8am-12pm on
Saturdays. This will be the schedule for the rest of the season.
Watch the band calendar you can find on our website at http://copperhillsbandboosters.blogspot.com.