Monday, November 9, 2015

A Message from Miss Johnson

Dear students and parents,
   What a great end to the season!  I'm so proud of everyone and the hard work they put in to give the kids a good experience.  I'm also extremely proud of the students.  This was a tough season and they stayed positive the whole time.  We had some excellent performances and I think they enjoyed themselves.  I know I did.  (Yes, I did, in spite of the occasional burst of grumpiness.)
   Just a few items to wrap up the end of the season.

1.  We had some sweatshirts, a lunchbox, and a Juicy Couture bag left on the buses after Red Rocks.  Those are in the band room Lost and Found.

2.  I think I need to take a minute to talk about something that caused some friction during the season.  Last year I was made aware that some of the students who had graduated previously would cause disruption if they came near the band.  I talked to senior leadership and we put a "no alumni coming to visit the band except at Homecoming and the 4th of July parade" rule.  I was pretty clear that they would need to abide by this rule, as well, so as not to step on current leadership's toes.  They all agreed.  This year I did not take the time to be clear about expectations: I will do so now.  

At competitions alumni are expected to sit with the parents, or at the fringe of the band.  The same is true of football games.  Next year's alumni should not ask to ride the bus to competitions - I will say no.  If alumni come specifically to help band parents (which DID happen a couple of times this season) they will be most welcome, but expected to spend time with the adults, not the students.  

I know this may seem harsh, but please understand - I am doing this for the good of everyone.  It's not fair to anyone to have alumni around constantly. Alumni have graduated to bigger and better things. They need to spend time building new friends and engaging in their current activities.  I know that it is very painful to come back to something that is different and has moved on without you.  It is in their own best interest to stay away.  It's also not fair to current students: they have worked hard to make the band experience their own and it so easily slides back to where it used to be.  (This is why moving out of parents' house is a good way to mature.)  We always want our students to be moving forward and growing and maturing.  It's also a logistical nightmare for me.  I have enough trouble being responsible for my students that I really don't want to add on any extras. I've left parents behind because anybody who is post-high school age needs to be taking care of themselves.

Please DO encourage alumni to visit/come visit.  Just also be sensitive and do it appropriately.  Band is such a wonderful thing and it means a lot to everyone, which is why feelings get hurt.  Be aware that my responsibility is to my current students because they are the reason I have a job.  That doesn't mean I love my alums less, it just means I have different expectations for them.

With that said, it was wonderful to see all of the alumni this year.  Can't wait to see how many show up in the future!

All righty, on to the next item.

3. Because we took 2nd place at Mount Timpanogas all the students have a free hamburger coupon to Habit burger.  I'll be passing those out at the party on Thursday and if students are unable to attend they can pick theirs up the following day/week.  

4.  The band is attending the school musical (Bye Bye Birdie) Thursday night.  Feel free to attend and support our band students playing in the pit and on stage, and all the other amazing CHHS students!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Vinyl Fundraiser Order Pick Up

Our vinyl fundraising orders are in!  Please come to the band room on Wednesday, November 4th from 3:15 until 4:30/4:45 to pick up your orders.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Share Some Pictures!

If you have any photos from the 2015 marching season, please share them in the following folder:

That way, everyone can get some great pictures from the season and we can all share in the memories!

The link will take you to the folder.  Click on "Open in Drive" and then you'll be able to add photos to the folder.

Please send an email to if you have trouble adding pictures.