The Blue and Green Pep Bands have been chosen and announced! Please take a moment to see which list your child is on. They are only required to go to 3 games, so please help them do what they need to do to attend those games.
Here is the link to the assignments:
Blue and Green Pep Bands
Here is the complete Pep Band schedule:
2017 Pep Band Schedule
Also, Miss Johnson has asked for a parent to help with 3 specific games because she has other conflicts those nights. Anne will be there to lead the band, but there needs to be an adult there in case anything happens and to open/lock up the band room. The dates she needs help on are:
Tuesday, Jan. 10th
Tuesday, Jan 24th
Tuesday, Jan 31st
You would need to be there from 6:00 p.m. until the end of the game.
If you are willing to help with one of those days, please email and let me know!
This Blog gives information about the Boosters for the Copper Hills High School Bands in West Jordan, UT. The Band Boosters are an organization of parents working with the band.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Winter Drum Line Parent Meeting
There is a parent meeting for all parents of students involved in this year's drum line on November 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the band room. Spread the word to the kids (and parents) who didn't do fall band or aren't in a sit down band!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Utah State University Tour
Hi everyone. Here is the schedule for tomorrow's visit to the University of Utah. Frankly, there are still some kinks to work out, so it's possible this is not the exact schedule, but it's pretty close. $10 for the bus, plus whatever the student spends at the cheese shop, Aggie ice cream, and lunch/dinner. There *might* also be bowling, but we'll have to wait and see.
Hi everyone. Here is the schedule for tomorrow's visit to the University of Utah. Frankly, there are still some kinks to work out, so it's possible this is not the exact schedule, but it's pretty close. $10 for the bus, plus whatever the student spends at the cheese shop, Aggie ice cream, and lunch/dinner. There *might* also be bowling, but we'll have to wait and see.
7:00 - load bus for Utah State
9:15 - arrive at Gossner Cheese Factory, shop
10:00 – depart for Utah State – tours, meeting with private teachers
11:30-12:30 - lunch (whatever you spend)
12:30-1:20 – Jazz Orchestra rehearsal
1:30 – 2:30 – meet with private teachers
2:30-4:00 - Utah State University Wind Orchestra rehearsal (percussion with Dr. Nicholson 3:30-5)
4:00-5:00 – rehearsal with Dr. Rohrer (remember to ask questions about the university!)
5:30-6:30 – dinner (whatever you spend)
6:30 – 7:15 – Aggie ice cream
7:30 p.m. – return to CHHS
10:00 - back at CHHS
9:15 - arrive at Gossner Cheese Factory, shop
10:00 – depart for Utah State – tours, meeting with private teachers
11:30-12:30 - lunch (whatever you spend)
12:30-1:20 – Jazz Orchestra rehearsal
1:30 – 2:30 – meet with private teachers
2:30-4:00 - Utah State University Wind Orchestra rehearsal (percussion with Dr. Nicholson 3:30-5)
4:00-5:00 – rehearsal with Dr. Rohrer (remember to ask questions about the university!)
5:30-6:30 – dinner (whatever you spend)
6:30 – 7:15 – Aggie ice cream
7:30 p.m. – return to CHHS
10:00 - back at CHHS
Booster Meeting
Don't forget about our booster meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the band room! Hope to see you there!
Monday, November 7, 2016
Class Pictures
The proofs for the pictures taken during the band classes are now up. Go to: to order pictures! We have some good lookin' kids!
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Unclaimed Order
There is one bag each of Russets and onions still left in the band room. If you have not picked up your order, please do so as soon as possible.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Red Rocks Pictures
If you are interested in ordering pictures from Red Rocks, go to this link:
There's a lot of good pictures there!
There's a lot of good pictures there!
Monday, October 24, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Davis Cup Videos
If you would like to watch the video from the Davis Cup competition, here is the link:
It shows all the bands minus Juan Diego and Freemon. Jason Hadley from Masterpiece Images in Ogeden recorded the shows.
It shows all the bands minus Juan Diego and Freemon. Jason Hadley from Masterpiece Images in Ogeden recorded the shows.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Schedule for University of Utah tour tomorrow:
9:00 - load bus for University of Utah
10:30 - arrive at the U, pick up lunch (the Pie pizza - $6 - bring cash), eat in park
12:00-1:45 - rehearsal with Professor Hagen (remember to ask questions about the university!)
2:00-4:00 - University of Utah Wind Ensemble rehearsal (percussion with Dr. Sammons 3-4)
4:00-5:15 - campus tour
5:30-6:30 - dinner at the Gateway (whatever you spend)
7:00 - 7:45 iMax show ($4 - bring cash)
8:10-9:00 - chocolate place (Hatch family chocolates)
10:00 - back at CHHS
10:30 - arrive at the U, pick up lunch (the Pie pizza - $6 - bring cash), eat in park
12:00-1:45 - rehearsal with Professor Hagen (remember to ask questions about the university!)
2:00-4:00 - University of Utah Wind Ensemble rehearsal (percussion with Dr. Sammons 3-4)
4:00-5:15 - campus tour
5:30-6:30 - dinner at the Gateway (whatever you spend)
7:00 - 7:45 iMax show ($4 - bring cash)
8:10-9:00 - chocolate place (Hatch family chocolates)
10:00 - back at CHHS
U of U experience:
Hi parents and students - anyone interested in doing the U of U experience should go to the following link to apply. Juniors and seniors only. It's a fun experience to sit in a band and play alongside college students. Once I have information for BYU's I will post that as well.
Hi parents and students - anyone interested in doing the U of U experience should go to the following link to apply. Juniors and seniors only. It's a fun experience to sit in a band and play alongside college students. Once I have information for BYU's I will post that as well.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Wasatch Front Photos
There was a professional photographer at the competition last Saturday taking pictures of all of the bands as they played on the field. If you are interested in purchasing pictures, you may go to the company's website here. Once there, click on Wasatch Front Invitational.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Salt Lake Valley Review
Tuesday evening (Oct. 4th) is the Salt Lake Valley Review. This is where all the high school bands in the Salt Lake Valley come together to perform for each other, since they don't get to watch each other a lot of the time at competitions. This event is free of charge, so invite all of your friends and family. It is held at Bingham High School.
Since the kids go straight from practice, you will want to either send them with food or money to buy dinner at the food trucks. The kids will be taking buses to Bingham High.
Uniform for this performance is as follows:
2016 SLV Review Flyer
Since the kids go straight from practice, you will want to either send them with food or money to buy dinner at the food trucks. The kids will be taking buses to Bingham High.
Uniform for this performance is as follows:
- Blue fall t-shirt
- Long jeans (no capris or shorts)
- Long black socks
- Black marching shoes
If it's chilly, the kids may want to wear a long sleeve shirt underneath their fall shirts for warmth. Jackets will not be allowed on while they perform.
Our kids will perform around 6:40.
Hope to see you there!
2016 SLV Review Flyer
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Eat Breakfast and Support the Band!
Saturday, September 17th from 8:30-10:30 a.m. we are having a Spirit event at Chick-fil-A! Take or show this flyer to the cashier when you order your food and the Grizzly Bands will receive a percentage of your meal! Tell all of your friends and family! Thanks for supporting the CH Grizzly Bands.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Weber Review
Weber Review at Weber State University will be held on Tuesday, September 20th. Here is the schedule for that day:
1:00--Kids board buses to take them to Weber State (they will have already eaten lunch at school).
3:10--Warm up time begins
4:15--Performance time
Students will be excused for the last class of the day.
After the kids perform, they will watch the remaining 2A bands and then the boosters will feed them a delicious dinner. Miss Johnson plans on staying to watch all the bands that night so the bus will return around 11:30 p.m.
If you would like a map of the Weber State stadium, click here. If you are coming to watch, admission is $5.00 per person. Please wear your band shirts or school colors so we can represent in the stands.
Parents are welcome to ride the bus.
As always, students should have:
1:00--Kids board buses to take them to Weber State (they will have already eaten lunch at school).
3:10--Warm up time begins
4:15--Performance time
Students will be excused for the last class of the day.
After the kids perform, they will watch the remaining 2A bands and then the boosters will feed them a delicious dinner. Miss Johnson plans on staying to watch all the bands that night so the bus will return around 11:30 p.m.
If you would like a map of the Weber State stadium, click here. If you are coming to watch, admission is $5.00 per person. Please wear your band shirts or school colors so we can represent in the stands.
Parents are welcome to ride the bus.
As always, students should have:
- All black marching shoes
- LONG black socks
- Something comfy to wear under their uniform
- A jacket for when the sun goes down
Monday, September 12, 2016
A quick note from MJ.
Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for coming to Parent Preview and watching your students at the beginning of this marching season. As usual, I got a little tongue-tied and forgot to say a couple of things.
1. Although that was an excellent first performance, you will be surprised at how much progress we will make throughout the season. Please plan on attending as many competitions as you can - your students deserve to see that you support and love them. (Information will be available here on the blog and also from the students.)
2. Our Band Booster Board is amazing. They created our magnificent backdrops and arranged for everything that happened at the performance (uniforms, Red Rocks paperwork, front colorguard screens, etc.) to go smoothly. A special kudos goes to Eric Moulton, who came up with the design for our backdrops and spearheaded the team that built them, and Michelle Moulton, who is all things Grizzly Bands. I am here to tell you - our organization would not function without her and all the hard work she does. Her leadership and countless sacrifices have made my job easier and have directly benefited your students. Thank you so much, Michelle!
3. Your students are wonderful. I have never worked with students who worked harder or who had better attitudes. Okay, they're teenagers so they're not perfect all the time, but I am constantly impressed as to how well they take criticism, how hard they push themselves, and what amazing human beings they are in general. Thank you for raising them right and letting them do what they do. And thank you for sharing them with me, if only for a little while.
Good start of the season - looking forward to the rest!
Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for coming to Parent Preview and watching your students at the beginning of this marching season. As usual, I got a little tongue-tied and forgot to say a couple of things.
1. Although that was an excellent first performance, you will be surprised at how much progress we will make throughout the season. Please plan on attending as many competitions as you can - your students deserve to see that you support and love them. (Information will be available here on the blog and also from the students.)
2. Our Band Booster Board is amazing. They created our magnificent backdrops and arranged for everything that happened at the performance (uniforms, Red Rocks paperwork, front colorguard screens, etc.) to go smoothly. A special kudos goes to Eric Moulton, who came up with the design for our backdrops and spearheaded the team that built them, and Michelle Moulton, who is all things Grizzly Bands. I am here to tell you - our organization would not function without her and all the hard work she does. Her leadership and countless sacrifices have made my job easier and have directly benefited your students. Thank you so much, Michelle!
3. Your students are wonderful. I have never worked with students who worked harder or who had better attitudes. Okay, they're teenagers so they're not perfect all the time, but I am constantly impressed as to how well they take criticism, how hard they push themselves, and what amazing human beings they are in general. Thank you for raising them right and letting them do what they do. And thank you for sharing them with me, if only for a little while.
Good start of the season - looking forward to the rest!
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Parent Preview
Parent Preview night is coming up on Monday, September 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the CHHS stadium. This is a free event for all of your family and friends to come and get their first glimpse of this year's marching band.
Immediately following the performance, in the band room, we will be collecting insurance information and travel consent paperwork for our trip to St. George (Red Rocks) at the end of October. Here is what you need to bring to complete the paperwork:
Immediately following the performance, in the band room, we will be collecting insurance information and travel consent paperwork for our trip to St. George (Red Rocks) at the end of October. Here is what you need to bring to complete the paperwork:
- Go to and print out the form. In some cases, you may be able to fill in all information before printing it. If, for some reason, you are unable to print one off at home, there will be copies for you that night.
- Please copy the front and back of your insurance card. Again, if you cannot get a copy made before that night, we will have a copy machine available. If you do not have insurance, no worries! There is a space on the form for you to indicate so.
- We will have 2-3 notaries there to notarized all documents (free of charge). Please make sure you have a picture ID with you for the notary.
The more items you have prepared before you come, the faster you will be out of there! All students going to St. George must have this paperwork completed in order to go. If you are not able to make it that night, you will be responsible for gathering and notarizing on your own. The school does have its own notary that won't charge, but you would need to make arrangements.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Back Drop Building Party!
We had fun building the back drops on Saturday. Those who came worked extremely hard and it paid off. Here are some pictures from that day:
Friday, September 2, 2016
Pick Up Times
Parents: please change your marching band rehearsal pick-up
times to 6:15 and 9:15. Rehearsal ends at 6 and 9 and it takes the
students time to get to the band room, put their instrument/equipment away, and
get out to your car. We apologize for the inconvenience you have
experienced waiting for your students.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Potatoes are Back!
It's time once again for our Potato Fundraiser! The sale runs from now until the end of September. Each student should receive an order form during his/her band/percussion class this week. If they do not come home with an order form, you may print one from the blog. Look under the Fundraiser tab and you'll find the order forms you desire. The forms are separated into concert bands and marching band. Depending on where you want your funds allocated, please choose the proper form.
Potatoes will be delivered Oct. 15th around 3:00 p.m. For those students going to the competition that day, you may pick them up after the competition.
Students will receive $10 per bag of potatoes sold, any kind of potato, and $6.00 for each bag of onions sold. The money may be used for any band related fee (class fee, tux and dress fee, marching fee, color guard and drum line fees, etc.) Money needs to be turned in to the main office to Band--fundraising by the date stated on the order form. Please let Dee Webb ( know where you would like your money to be used.
We have been promised that the potatoes we receive this year will be better quality than last year. They are all-natural, no GMO potatoes.
Potatoes will be delivered Oct. 15th around 3:00 p.m. For those students going to the competition that day, you may pick them up after the competition.
Students will receive $10 per bag of potatoes sold, any kind of potato, and $6.00 for each bag of onions sold. The money may be used for any band related fee (class fee, tux and dress fee, marching fee, color guard and drum line fees, etc.) Money needs to be turned in to the main office to Band--fundraising by the date stated on the order form. Please let Dee Webb ( know where you would like your money to be used.
We have been promised that the potatoes we receive this year will be better quality than last year. They are all-natural, no GMO potatoes.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Shared Band Photos
If you have taken or will take any pictures throughout the school year and are willing to share them with other parents, here is the link for our shared album:
Photos to share are any band related ones you take this year: marching band, winter guard, winter drum line, sit down band concerts, etc. The band council puts together a slide show at the end of the year and the more pictures the better. Miss Johnson also has a couple of kids putting together a promotional video for recruitment purposes.
If you have any questions or the link doesn't work, please send an email to
Friday, August 19, 2016
Fall Season Food Sign-ups
The sign-ups for helping with donations and serving food during fall band competitions is now on the blog! Click on the Volunteers tab and then click on 2016 Fall Band Competition Food Sign-ups. Each competition is listed on a separate tab at the bottom of the page. Pay close attention to the dates of the competitions. If you signed up at the beginning of the season to help serve food, your name will already appear in the serving area. Please let Julie Ferguson know if you are not able to come at that time after all.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
All-State audition materials are available!!! If you are interested in getting them before next week go here.
All-State audition materials are available!!! If you are interested in getting them before next week go here.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Band camp run of the show
Hi everyone - this is the band camp run of the show. It can also be found here. Just a warning: it will start downloading immediately. Also - I have updated the dates on my website. They are now correct. I have not yet updated the calendar but will do so when I get a minute in the next week or so.
Hi everyone - this is the band camp run of the show. It can also be found here. Just a warning: it will start downloading immediately. Also - I have updated the dates on my website. They are now correct. I have not yet updated the calendar but will do so when I get a minute in the next week or so.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Booster Meeting
On Tuesday, August 16th, there will be a booster meeting in the band room at 6:30 p.m. All parents are invited to this meeting, although it is not mandatory. We will be discussing the upcoming fall competition season and what our responsibilities as parents will be. If you're new, this is a great way to see how the organization of the boosters works. It's also a great way to be involved in your child's activities!
Friday, August 5, 2016
Band Camp is Here!
Band camp for all winds, drum line, and color guard members starts on Monday, August 8th at 7:30 a.m. Camp ends each day at 8:00 p.m. and will run through Friday. Here are some things to remember:
- Wear comfortable clothing that you can move in. Please no jeans. Think more on the side of exercise clothing. Make sure that includes good shoes (marching shoes will wear out too fast and tend to cause blisters with that much marching).
- Bring a hat, sunglasses, and lots of sunscreen!
- Water is a must. A lot of the kids use the 1/2 gallon water jugs. If you think you may get hungry between meals, you may also bring a snack.
- Eat a good breakfast every day. The kids will be burning a ton of energy throughout the day.
- Dinner every night is provided by the boosters and Tuesday, Thursday lunch. Kids can bring a lunch from home for M, W, and F, or they can go out with their friends. It's up to them.
- Our drum major came up with a theme for each day of camp to make things a little more fun. Here are the themes:
- Monday--America
- Tuesday--Grizzly Day. Show your school pride!
- On Wednesdays, we wear pink.
- Thursday--Crazy sock day
- Friday--Section Day. Each section comes up with their own theme for the day.
- Make sure you get enough sleep. This is a tough, but satisfying week. You may be more tired than you've ever been before. Take advantage of the time you are given to sleep.
- Bring your equipment, music, set sheets (books given out on Monday), and a PENCIL every day of camp.
- Be at least 10 minutes early in the morning. If you're there at 7:30, you're late.
For Monday morning, the band is learning pregame with the drill team first thing. Miss Johnson wants you on the field at 7:30 with your instrument. Your music should already be memorized.
This season is promising to be our best yet. Be ready to work and show you're ready to make the Grizzly Marching Band the best it can be. Go Marching Grizzlies!
Technical Difficulties
The band email seems to be having trouble sending messages out right now. We can receive incoming messages, and I can send individual messages, but it won't let me send group messages. I will update this blog with any important information until the problem is resolved. Please keep referring back to the blog daily to check for updates. Thanks for your patience!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Band Camp Food
Band camp is quickly approaching. For those of you who are new to the program and for those of you who might need a refresher, here's how food works for band.
Julie Ferguson and Christine Oldroyd are our wonderful food chairs on the booster board. They are in charge of organizing meals and buying most of the food for all the meals for the camps and all the competitions. They
cannot, however, do it alone. Although they buy most of the food, we still need some food items donated and some volunteers to help serve the food.
To find the food sign ups, click on the Volunteer tab at the top of the page. Then, click on 2016 Band Camp Food Donations. Please make sure to look at the bottom of the sheet for the separate days of band camp. Make note that the kids will be fed dinner every night of band camp, but only Tuesday, and Thursday for lunch. They will need to responsible to feed themselves lunch on the other days. Please make sure they eat well that week. They will be burning a lot of calories.
Stay tuned for more information about band camp! Thanks for your help!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Lehi Roller Mills Order Pick Up
The Lehi Roller Mills order has been delivered and will be available to pick up on Wednesday, August 3rd between 10:00 and 11:00 am in the band room. Please come get your order and get it delivered with a big thank you for supporting the Copper Hills Marching Grizzlies!!
Friday, July 22, 2016
Fun at JSD Combined Band Practices!
Here are some pictures that were taken of some of our students during Friday's combined band practice.
Way to go Marching Grizzlies!
Way to go Marching Grizzlies!
Saturday, July 16, 2016
JSD Combined Band
The JSD combined band rehearsals will be Wednesday, July 20th - Friday, July 22nd from 9:00 a.m. until noon at Copper Hills. If you are participating in the combined band, please make sure to be at rehearsal on time and prepared. As it will be later in the day than our usual band rehearsals, make sure to bring plenty of water and wear sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen. It will be hot!
Days of '47 Parade Preview and Lagoon
Our next parade is the Days of '47 Parade Preview at the South Towne Expo Center on July 19th. Here is some vital information:
- All those doing fall band have a mandatory music rehearsal at 9:00 a.m.
- Call time for all band members going to the parade is 10:00 a.m. There will be a short rehearsal before boarding the bus. The school will be open at this time.
- Parade time is approximately 11:30 a.m.
- The kids will then board the bus to Lagoon around 12:15 p.m.
- If your child is not going to Lagoon, they are responsible for finding their own transportation home. Staff and other parents are not permitted to transport your child from a school event.
- The kids will return from Lagoon about 11:00 p.m. There will be no school access at that time.
As always, students need to wear their designated summer uniform.
Things to remember for Lagoon:
- There will be a discount, but the kids still need to pay for their tickets at the gate, unless they have a season pass. The discounted rate is $45.
- There are lockers available to hold items, but it is recommended that valuables be left at home. Bags are not typically allowed on rides.
- Your child will primarily be in charge of themselves. They are representing CHHS and are expected to act responsibly in the park.
- Don't forget sunscreen!
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Draper Days Parade
Don't forget that the band will be marching in the Draper Days parade on Saturday, July 16th! Here are few things you need to know:
- There will be no school access that morning! If you need your instrument/equipment, it is best to get it during the week while someone is there.
- The band is taking a bus to the parade. Call time is 7:15 at CHHS. Please do not be late!
- The bus will be back to CHHS by noon at the latest. If you would like to take your child home from the parade, you will need a signed note from Mr. Quarnberg giving permission.
- As always, students marching must wear their green summer shirt, khaki shorts (black for guard), short black socks (white for guard), and black shoes (white for guard). No hats, but sunglasses are OK.
- Don't forget your sunscreen!
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Lehi Roller Mills Reminder
Order forms & money for Lehi Roller Mills must be turned into the CHHS main office Wednesday, July 6th or Thursday, July 7th between 9-10 am. Sherie Swartz or Michelle Moulton will meet you outside the main office to collect all order forms and confirm that the money collected is correct. Then you can pay the office and receive a receipt for payment. The full amount MUST be paid to the office under Marching Band Fundraiser - Lehi Roller Mills. To be safe, make a copy of your order form in case anything gets lost. Additional order forms are available on the blog.
Your student will get 50% of their sales which will be posted to their fees in the next 2-3 weeks.
Your student will get 50% of their sales which will be posted to their fees in the next 2-3 weeks.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
July 4th Parades
Here is the information for our 4th of July celebrations!
West Jordan parade
No school access! (In other words, make sure you have your instrument and equipment with you after practice on Thursday!)
Call Time: 9:15 a.m. – West Jordan City Building on Redwood Road
Warm up, then play the National Anthem and Patriotic Spectacular for the flag raising
Parade starts at 10:30 – we are #20, so expect step off around 10:45
End up in the Target parking lot on Redwood/7000 S. – should be no later than 12:45, probably 12:30
Sandy parade (percussion only)
Call time is 5:00 p.m. at Sandy City Hall.
Parade begins at 6:00 p.m. and will be finished by 7:30 p.m.
Pick up and drop off place are the same.
Remember to wear:
- Green summer shirt (unless otherwise directed by Miss Johnson)
- khaki bottoms (black for color guard)
- SHORT black socks (white for color guard)
- Black shoes (white for color guard)
- Sunglasses are OK. Hats are not.
- Sunblock!!!
West Jordan Parade
Here's more info for the CHHS band alumni marching in the West Jordan parade. Call time is at 9:15 a.m. at the West Jordan City building. Please wear:
- blue summer shirt
- khaki bottoms (black for color guard)
- short black socks (white for color guard)
- black shoes (white for color guard)
- Sunglasses are OK. Hats are not.
Contrary to what was previously mentioned, the music will not be posted on the blog at this time You'll need to pick up music from Miss Johnson by Thursday (June 30th).
Monday, June 27, 2016
Lehi Roller Mills Update
*Within the following 2-3 weeks your profits will be posted to your student's fees.Order forms & money for Lehi Roller Mills must be turned into the CHHS main office Wednesday, July 6th or Thursday, July 7th between 9-10 am. Sherie Swartz will meet you outside the main office to collect all order forms and confirm that the money collected is correct. Then you can pay the office and receive a receipt for payment. To be safe, make a copy of your order form in case anything gets lost.
Alumni Wanted!
All CHHS Band alumni are invited to participate in the West Jordan parade on July 4th! Music will be posted on this blog soon or you can go to the school and pick some up! Call time will be announced soon, too! If you want to march, please wear your blue summer shirt, khaki bottoms, short black socks, and black shoes. Sunglasses are OK, but no hats please! Spread the word to all of your fellow alumni!
Hope to see you soon!
Hope to see you soon!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Lehi Roller Mills Fundraiser

Needing a way to help pay for all those marching band fees? Lehi Roller Mills is a great way for your student to earn money to help pay for those fees. Students receive 50% of the purchase price to be used towards their fees. Forms were handed out Monday June 20 during marching band or available on the blog. Orders and money are due back on Wednesday July 6th. Product should be here around August 8th.
Note: Checks can be made out to either you or the school. However, if a check is made out to the school and it is returned for any reason, your student's account is blocked from receiving checks and you are charged the returned check fee.
Taylorsville Dayzz Parade
Our first parade is this Saturday, June 25th!!! Here are some things you'll need to know to make it go smoothly:
- Call time is between 7:15-7:30 in the parking lot outside FYE west of Redwood Rd and north of 5600 S. Be on time! You will pick your child up at the end of the route at Midwest Dr (north of the Taylorsville Library).
- Students are to wear their green summer shirt, tan/khaki bottoms (shorts, capris, pants), short or no show black socks, and black shoes. Color guard will wear white shoes and socks. Please no hats, but sunglasses are OK.
- The kids will receive water during and after the parade. They won't be able to carry their own water bottle during the parade.
- Don't forget the sunscreen!
- Remind your child to bring their instruments/equipment home after practice on Thursday just in case we can't get into the building on Saturday morning.
- Have fun!!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Tonight!
Have some yummy dinner and support an awesome band! Go to Texas Roadhouse in Riverton tonight from 4-10 p.m. and give them the attached flyer (it must be printed out--no phones) and the CHHS band will receive 10% of the flyer profits! Here's the link:
Texas Roadhouse Flyer
Hope to see you there!
Texas Roadhouse Flyer
Hope to see you there!
Friday, June 10, 2016
Band Yard Sale is Tomorrow!!
Saturday, June 11th 2016
Smith's Food & Drug
9000 south 4000 west
Set up 7:30 am
Sell 8am -11am
Just a few reminders:
- you are responsible for your own set up, selling, collecting money, and clean up
- don't forget to bring your own change
- bring a chair, tables, shade, etc. to set up your area
- because this is advertised as a fundraiser to pay for student fees, all money earned MUST be turned in to the office to cover marching band fees
See you tomorrow morning!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Summer Band Begins!
It's almost time for summer band to begin! Wahoo! Here's the schedule for next week:
Monday, June 6th: Rookie Day. All students new to marching band need to report to the high school at 8:00 a.m. sharp! Practice will go until 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, June 7th: Vets report at 7:00 a.m. sharp! Rookies join the group at 8:00 a.m. Practice will go until 10:00 a.m.
Regular full practices will begin on Wednesday, June 8th. Practices are Mon-Thurs 7:00-10:00 a.m.
If you have not turned in grades (fall students) and/or physicals (everyone), please make sure to bring them to practice on Tuesday. There will be boosters there to collect paperwork starting at 7:00 a.m. and will wait for the rookies to come at 8:00 a.m. You may also bring payment receipts for the first payment that day. Those of you who have not turned in your paper work may be receiving a reminder email this weekend.
Important items to remember:
- Water bottle
- Sunscreen
- Good sturdy shoes (they do not have to be marching shoes, but make sure they are comfortable and can withstand A LOT of walking.)
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Instrument/ Equipment
- Music (you will receive it there if you haven't already received it)
- A positive attitude
It's going to be a great summer!
Friday, May 20, 2016
Band Night at Panda Express
Our Panda Express fundraiser is coming up on May 27th! Go in any time during business hours, present the cashier with either a copy of the flyer or show a copy from your phone and the Copper Hills Band will receive a percentage of the proceeds from the day! Here's the link to the flyer:
Panda Express Flyer
Spread the word and share that flyer with all of your friends and family! Hope to see you there!
Panda Express Flyer
Spread the word and share that flyer with all of your friends and family! Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Physical Form Link
Here's the link to the UHSAA physical form:
Please make sure to turn in the physical form by the first day of summer band. If you want to do the physical at the school, stay tuned for the day and time.
Please make sure to turn in the physical form by the first day of summer band. If you want to do the physical at the school, stay tuned for the day and time.
Band Yard Sale
Saturday, June 11th 2016
Smith's Food & Drug
9000 south 4000 west
Set up 7:30 am
Sell 8am -11am
Clean up is student responsibility!!
Lehi Roller Mills Orders Are Here!
Our Lehi Roller Mills orders will be ready for pick up on Friday, May 13th, at 3:00 p.m. in the band room!
Sunday, May 8, 2016
2015-16 Band/Color Guard Photos
All of the band/color guard photos from last year that were shared to the band photo file are now on the blog! They are under the Forms and Information tab. If you still have photos to share from the 2015-16 school year, go ahead and add them to the appropriate folder.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Parent Meeting
There will be a parent meeting on May 11th at 6:00 p.m. in the band room at the high school. This is for all parents of students who will be participating in marching band and color guard at any time during the next year. Please bring the following:
- Student info sheet
- Contract signed by both student and parent
- A copy of last year's grades (not applicable for summer only students)
- Parent shirt order form (optional) A copy of the order form can be found on this blog under the Forms and Information tab.
We will be approving the band's trip to the Red Rocks State Competition in St. George and signing up volunteers for summer and fall seasons, among other things. Please make sure at least one parent per family is in attendance.
Summer only payment and down payment for fall are due May 25th. Do not pay this fee until you see it has been added to your child's Skyward account. All the other payments will be added after the school year is over to avoid end of year fee confusion.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
End of Year Banquet
Our end of year band banquet will be held on Friday, May 6th at 6:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. It's a potluck affair. Here are the section assignments:
Woodwinds: Main Dish
Brass: Sides
Percussion: Drinks
Color Guard: Desserts
Plates, cups, and utensils will be provided by the band. Hope to see you there!
Woodwinds: Main Dish
Brass: Sides
Percussion: Drinks
Color Guard: Desserts
Plates, cups, and utensils will be provided by the band. Hope to see you there!
Friday, April 29, 2016
Spread the Word!
Our annual yard sale has been changed! The new day is June 11th from 8-11 a.m. and it will be held at the Smith's at 9000 S 4000 W. We are setting up on the south side of the building. You may start setting up your stuff at 7:30 and the sale will run until 10:00 or 11:00 depending on customers. If you can, take advantage of this great fundraising opportunity!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
9th Graders Invited for Summer
All incoming 9th Graders are now invited to participate in summer marching band. During the fall season, they are invited to attend rehearsals and competitions to get themselves ready to be a part of it in 10th grade. If you or anyone you know is interested, come to the kick-off meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the Tech Atrium at the high school.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Marching Band Kick-Off!
It's time, once again, for our marching band kick-off! All incoming Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are welcome to march summer and fall! Incoming Freshman can come march summer with us! Join us on Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. in the Tech Atrium at CHHS! We'd love to have you with us!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Combined Concert Tonight!
Our annual combined concert with Copper Hills, Sunset Ridge, and West Hills is tonight! Here is the schedule:
4:00--Call time. Meet in the big gym at CHHS for rehearsal.
5:15 ish--Games and Q&A for the middle school kids
6:00--Dinner (bring your own--Band Boosters will provide cookies and milk). Students may also change into concert clothes at this time.
Groups will be performing from:
Ascent Academy
Sunset Ridge
West Hills
Copper Hills
And of course, there is the big combined number featuring all of the bands! Copper Hills drum line will also perform their winter show. It will be a fun concert!
4:00--Call time. Meet in the big gym at CHHS for rehearsal.
5:15 ish--Games and Q&A for the middle school kids
6:00--Dinner (bring your own--Band Boosters will provide cookies and milk). Students may also change into concert clothes at this time.
Groups will be performing from:
Ascent Academy
Sunset Ridge
West Hills
Copper Hills
And of course, there is the big combined number featuring all of the bands! Copper Hills drum line will also perform their winter show. It will be a fun concert!
Monday, March 21, 2016
Lehi Roller Mills
Remember that all money and orders from the Lehi Roller Mills fundraiser needs to be turned in tomorrow (March 22nd)! Turn in money to your child's account under "Band Fundraising--Lehi Roller Mills". Bring the receipt and the order form and put it in the blue box in the band room.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Photo Sharing
Parents and Band Members!
We are looking for band pictures and videos to be included in a new band recruitment video/slide show. Please add any band pictures (concert, jazz, marching) or color guard pictures you may have to the folder at the following link. If you have videos, please add them, too!
Band Pictures and Videos
Thanks! Have a great day!
We are looking for band pictures and videos to be included in a new band recruitment video/slide show. Please add any band pictures (concert, jazz, marching) or color guard pictures you may have to the folder at the following link. If you have videos, please add them, too!
Band Pictures and Videos
Thanks! Have a great day!
Friday, March 18, 2016
Good News for Students Going on Tour!
Good news! Parents of students going on tour - tour ended up being less expensive than anticipated, so your student will receive $20 at the beginning of the trip to spend as they wish (food money, etc.). Please keep this in mind as you provide your student with the requisite food money.
Monday, March 14, 2016
2016 Region Solo and Ensemble Schedule
Click on the links to find your performance times!
Woodwind Solo Schedule
Woodwind Ensemble Schedule
Brass Schedule
Percussion Schedule
Low Strings Schedule
High String Schedule
Woodwind Solo Schedule
Woodwind Ensemble Schedule
Brass Schedule
Percussion Schedule
Low Strings Schedule
High String Schedule
Sunday, March 6, 2016
State Winter Guard Volunteers Wanted
Band and Color Guard Parents—
We are very excited to host the Color Guard State Championships. This is a wonderful opportunity to not only get Copper Hills recognized but to build our program. It is also a great way to raise very needed funds.
With hosting championships we need a lot of volunteers. We are asking for everyone to help us out and volunteer for at least one shift. Along with the need of volunteers we have to feed all the directors (120) both days. In order to keep our cost down we are asking for food donations for that purpose.
Both sign-ups are on the booster blog ( Please sign up to help us out.
Thank you.
We are very excited to host the Color Guard State Championships. This is a wonderful opportunity to not only get Copper Hills recognized but to build our program. It is also a great way to raise very needed funds.
With hosting championships we need a lot of volunteers. We are asking for everyone to help us out and volunteer for at least one shift. Along with the need of volunteers we have to feed all the directors (120) both days. In order to keep our cost down we are asking for food donations for that purpose.
Both sign-ups are on the booster blog ( Please sign up to help us out.
Thank you.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Music for All
Dear parents and students,
Usually I save these kinds of announcements for class, but because of the time sensitive nature of it I wanted to post it right away. (It's due January 31st.) Music for All is a national organization that provides opportunities for music students who want to go above and beyond the high school experience. In this case their marching band has been invited to perform at the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California. My younger sister marched in the Rose Parade her junior year and she tells me it was the highlight of her high school experience. The students will have an unforgettable time and come back much better marchers and musicians. In case you were wondering, yes, it is expensive. (Brochure: 2nd page.) I was surprised: I thought it would be more. And it will be worth every penny. For those interested, here's the information.
P.S. Guard is DEFINITELY included in this!
I hope someone has the time and means to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity!
Miss Johnson
Monday, January 18, 2016
Humble Leadership
The world in which we live is fiercely competitive—some would even say ruthless. The pressure to succeed, to get ahead, leads many to be aggressive, dominating, overpowering. And succeed they often do—in a sense. But there’s a different, even a better way to live and to succeed. It is, in a word, humility.
Of course, humility is not a new idea, but it is getting renewed attention in—of all places—the hard-hitting business world. Recently several large, successful corporations have begun to prize humble leaders over the brash, overbearing kind. Humble leaders, they’ve found, “listen well, admit mistakes, and share the limelight.”1 They have helping hearts; they encourage teamwork and promote collaboration. They see themselves not as kings who issue orders but as coworkers in a worthwhile endeavor. Humble leaders see themselves authentically, with both strengths and weaknesses, and they recognize that leading others and serving them are not mutually exclusive efforts. One can be visionary and relentless, with the mind of a leader, and still be humble and teachable, with the heart of a servant.
Company executives are finding that when they hire leaders who are humble and eager to improve, the entire company benefits. A culture of humility and cooperation spreads throughout the workforce, bringing out the best in everyone.
But the humility must be sincere. In some ways, false modesty is worse than bold-faced arrogance because it is deceptive. By contrast, genuine humility comes from seeing things as they really are—recognizing that no one is superior to another, that we are each learning and growing as we go along. Some may be more gifted or talented, some may have had greater opportunities and more doors opened to them, but all have something to offer. All are worthy of dignity and respect.
If this attitude can improve the corporate world, think about what it could do for our interactions in our homes and communities. Imagine what might happen if we listened a little better, admitted our errors, and stopped worrying about who gets credit. Humility just may be the key that unlocks the door to improved relations, stronger organizations, and happier lives.
-Lloyd D. Newell
Of course, humility is not a new idea, but it is getting renewed attention in—of all places—the hard-hitting business world. Recently several large, successful corporations have begun to prize humble leaders over the brash, overbearing kind. Humble leaders, they’ve found, “listen well, admit mistakes, and share the limelight.”1 They have helping hearts; they encourage teamwork and promote collaboration. They see themselves not as kings who issue orders but as coworkers in a worthwhile endeavor. Humble leaders see themselves authentically, with both strengths and weaknesses, and they recognize that leading others and serving them are not mutually exclusive efforts. One can be visionary and relentless, with the mind of a leader, and still be humble and teachable, with the heart of a servant.
Company executives are finding that when they hire leaders who are humble and eager to improve, the entire company benefits. A culture of humility and cooperation spreads throughout the workforce, bringing out the best in everyone.
But the humility must be sincere. In some ways, false modesty is worse than bold-faced arrogance because it is deceptive. By contrast, genuine humility comes from seeing things as they really are—recognizing that no one is superior to another, that we are each learning and growing as we go along. Some may be more gifted or talented, some may have had greater opportunities and more doors opened to them, but all have something to offer. All are worthy of dignity and respect.
If this attitude can improve the corporate world, think about what it could do for our interactions in our homes and communities. Imagine what might happen if we listened a little better, admitted our errors, and stopped worrying about who gets credit. Humility just may be the key that unlocks the door to improved relations, stronger organizations, and happier lives.
-Lloyd D. Newell
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Upcoming Meetings
There are a couple of meetings to be aware of in the next week and they are all on January 14th:
- Color Guard parent meeting: 7:00 p.m. either in the band room or choir room. This meeting will go over competitions and state championships.
- Winter Drum Line parent meeting: 7:00 p.m. either in the band room or choir room. This meeting will be an overview of the season along with payment schedule.
- Booster meeting: immediately following the other meetings (around 8:30 p.m.). At this meeting, we will be discussing the Jazz Band Dinner Dance.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Spring Tour
Dear parents,
As most of you know members of our Symphonic Band, Symphonic Winds, and Percussion Ensemble will be going to Arizona during Spring Break. After reviewing the trip I've managed to finalize most of the details and get the costs down. The good news is the trip cost will be no more than $400. The bad news is that we are not going as of now because we are at least one chaperon short. We are required to have five and we only have four. I would STRONGLY prefer it if we could have at least three more come as it will lower costs and allow the chaperoned groups to be smaller. I need to have these chaperons secured by the end of next week at the latest or I will be forced to cancel the trip. The dates are: the afternoon of March 23rd to the wee hours of the morning between March 28th and March 29th. You will enjoy the trip and you'll learn something, also. In addition - you'll be spending time with your son/daughter doing lots of fun activities! Please let me know (preferably via e-mail: at your earliest possible convenience if you are willing to commit to tag along with a bunch of the best kids in the world around sunny Arizona.
Thank you for all you do!
Miss Johnson
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